Amplify Athletes
Dear Athlete,
Thank you for contacting Amplify Athletes, Inc., regarding your athletic development. We are happy to provide this scholarship application process as a way to appropriately select candidates who embody what Amplify Athletes represents.
This application process will be completed in two phases. The first phase involves:
- Complete the information in the application form below.
- Submit this form along with your 250- to 300-word essay detailing why you embody an Amplify Athletes scholarship recipient.
Phase two consists of turning in all essential financial documents. If selected, you will need to submit ALL of the documents listed below.
Phase two documentation requirements for ALL household members:
- Previous year’s tax return showing gross income and total number in household.
- Current payroll stubs (minimum of three consecutive) for all working members of the household.
This will complete the second and final phase of the application process. Any financial information we receive will remain confidential to the Amplify Athletes advisory board. Completing this application process does not guarantee an applicant will be granted a scholarship. Final determination of scholarship recipients will be made by the Amplify Athletes advisory board. Please direct any questions regarding this process to the contact form below.
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