Building opportunities to advance player futures.
Join us for the 2nd Annual Amplify Athletes Golf Classic
Friday October 21st, 2022. Shotgun start at 11pm
Innsbrook Golf Course
1 Aspen Way Dr, Innsbrook, MO 63390
A 4 person scramble style tournament. All proceeds from this event will go to the family of Brian DeLunas (50%) and the Amplify Athletes Scholarship Foundation (50%). Food will be provided by Shamrocks Pub & Grill. Golfers will be able to purchase mulligans for $20 (Max of 2), participate in 50-50 Raffle, and bid on silent auction items.
Early Registration $100/Player – Includes your round of golf, lunch and gift bag (Cost increases to $110/player after October 1st)
Sign Up Today:
Sponsorships Packages:
Longest Drive:
$1000 (1 available)
Sponsor logo recognition at longest drive hole
Driving Range:
$1000 (1 available)
Sponsor logo recognition on driving range
Closest to the Pin:
$1000 (1 available)
Sponsor logo recognition at the closest to the pin hole
Beverage Cart:
$1000 (1 available)
Sponsor logo recognition on beverage cart
Hole Sponsor:
$500 (11 available)
Sponsor logo recognition at one (1) tee hole
*All sponsors will be recognized in social media posts as well
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